usable method

英 [ˈjuːzəbl ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˈjuːzəbl ˈmeθəd]

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  1. Being simply and usable, the method is available for usc far and wide in furniture production.
  2. Firstly, this paper presents an improved prediction method of maximum usable frequency ( MUF) of skywave propagation based on the analysis of the current shortwave frequency prediction method.
  3. This paper stresses usable method effect and matters needing attention with even pressure technology, discuss usable situation of even pressure fire-extinguished in Qianqiu coal mine.
  4. Using the dehydrogenation of benzene in high temperature as an example, this paper compares the calculated results of the quasilinearization method with the modified simplex method and discusses the merits, defects and usable region of the quasilinearization method.
  5. Secondly, it labors relativity characters of alarm data, compares usable relative analysis method on alarm, and probes into some means on disposing correlative alarm.
  6. The water-saving transformation is proved to be economical and reasonable through the benefit computation to the usable currency with the dynamic method.
  7. By using this method, the reliability characteristics for the quantity of each testing system usable degree, the failure rate can be derived directly from the GO graph. This method also solves the practical problem of the reliability parameter calculation with shared signals.
  8. Based on the analysis of the fixed_lenght fields in relational database system, the paper introduce a usable storge and retrieval method to process the flexible_length document information and save the storge space.
  9. Experimental Research on Making Mining Drainage a Usable Water Resource Using Coagulation Method in Fuxin Coal Mining Area
  10. Objective To establish a usable method for the amplification of human diversified immunoglobulin genes.
  11. The paper finds that only an available, usable and reliable HRA method can play complete part in PSA through an analysis of the fundamental demand of PSA upon HRA.
  12. In cite [ 1], a usable partition of a group and idempotent orthogonal class system are defined, followed by its characterization and relative numerical method, dexterously applying the simultaneous diagonalization of matrices.
  13. The software is reliable, usable and has a friendly human-machine interface. The method of using precise timing can improve the accuracy of sampling period.
  14. In capacitance Manganese dioxide usable chemistry and electrochemical method preparation.
  15. The new fuzzy controlling system adopts PLC hardware and software which are cheap and usable. Improving the traditional control method, we integrate PID control with fuzzy control, and design a sort of complex fuzzy controller.